Our Mission

The mission of Festuv Inc. is providing recreation and leisure activities for people of all ages and ethnicities; thereby promoting the common need for a healthier lifestyle thru actively exploring ways to improve one’s physical and mental well-being, put-forth, enlightening the human spirit with the purpose of elevating a proactive existence.


    The social need for recreation has been identified as a men’s for community involvement and an expression of citizenship. A sense of community and social contact is fostered in order to combat urban social problems like inequality and public health.  Family bonds are improved by the sharing of leisure time. Families that recreate together tend to be closer, more cohesive and improve their chances of staying together.


    Festuv, Inc. has continued to support the leisure/active lifestyle at community events throughout the south land. If we can influence people from all cultures and demographic backgrounds to take part in recreation– void of pessimism, age or where they live; then Festuv, as a social organization will eagerly continue on our mission to CREATE a Festive world!

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    Practiced in clinical, residential and community settings, the profession of therapeutic recreation uses treatment, education, and recreation services to help people with illnesses, disabilities and other conditions to develop and use their leisure to enhance their health, independence and well being. Outdoor adventure activities for people with limited physical ability give participants feelings of success and improved feelings of confidence.